Diffusion Adoption and Dissemination Wiki

DOI Theory: Strategies and Best Practices- Media[]

The purpose of this page is to culminate media pertaining to he best practices, strategies and how DOI Theory can be implemented to your business or institution. This media is separated into categories by types of media.


Wikia.com editors and contributors have not created a working widget to embed Slideshare projects. However we have provided links to the the source material along with verbatim of the Slideshares posted below.

Diffusion of Innovation[]

Presentation consists of the core theory of diffusion of innovation followed by 3 case studies :  1) Diffusion of tetra cycline in the healthcare system and the effect of social factors on the same  2) Diffusion of Atorvastatin in healthcare system  3) Diffusion of Prozac in healthcare system and the dark side of pharma industry (taken from source)

External Link: http://www.slideshare.net/Stratosid/diffusion-of-innovation-41334892?qid=00d15f0a-816e-4f33-a99c-be69fe7bf08e&v=default&b=&from_search=6

Verbatim: Here

Chapter 3 Technology Adoption and Diffusion Technology Strategy for Managers and Entrepreneurs[]

A great Slideshare presentation provided by Punit Agrawal. Key topics to note:

Identify key factors of different groups of adopters.

Explain why proportion of the market adopting a new technology product or service at a point in time is typically S-shaped.

Define and explain “crossing the chasm".

Figure out how to cross the chasm.

Explain why forecasting demand is difficult, but important.

Define technology diffusion, describe the typical diffusion pattern, and identify the factors that influence technology diffusion.

Understand how information and product diffusion models predict the rate and functional form of diffusion.

Use the Bass model to estimate the rate of diffusion.

Use the Delphi method to estimate the rate of diffusion.

Explain why complementary technology has a profound effect on technology diffusion.

Define and explain technology substitution.

Explain the importance of estimating how long it takes for technology substitution to occurLearning Objectives.

External Link: http://www.slideshare.net/punitkagrawal/mail-11578721?qid=7bf64f31-03d2-4b75-9556-7a7ea2adbfcc&v=default&b=&from_search=2

Verbatim: Here

Delphi Method-Introduction

For those wanting to learn more on the Delphi Method this is a great introductory Slideshare presentation provided by Anita Rubin.

External Link: http://www.slideshare.net/3110ani/delphi-method-introduction?qid=dc4b30c7-b788-4388-9db8-e682bfa6b459&v=qf1&b=&from_search=3

Verbatim: Here

Diffusion, Adopters and Innovation (Ricardo Sosa, 2011)[]

External Link: http://www.slideshare.net/rsm/diffusion-adopters-and-innovation?qid=1aa9d31f-c501-4752-8aac-7ce513c14f56&v=default&b=&from_search=4

Verbatim: Here

Mastering Strategy Implementation[]

"This article presents the Strategy Execution Framework – a comprehensive management model that allows managers to master one of the greatest management challenges – successfully implementing strategies. The powerful framework incorporates 18 success factors that are related to the process, content and context of strategy implementation. Collectively, these tools help organizations plan and implement and manage their strategies but also monitor, learn and adapt their strategy implementations to achieve sustainable organizational success."- Dr. Arnold van der Maas

External Link: http://www.slideshare.net/ArnoudvanderMaas/article-mastering-strategy-implementation?qid=b01c4138-0a9a-4ea6-a495-1aee7eabb4be&v=default&b=&from_search=5

Verbatim: Here

Implementation Strategies (Part 1)[]

A great slideshare presentation that provides information on:  -The Nature of Strategy Implementation Annual Objectives Policies. -Resource Allocation Managing Conflict Matching Structure with Strategy. -Restructuring, Reengineering & E-Engineering Linking Performance & Pay to Strategies Managing Resistance to Change. -Managing the Natural Environment Creating a Strategy-Supportive Culture Production/Operations Concerns When Implementing Strategies. -Human Resource Concerns When Implementing Strategies.

External Link: http://www.slideshare.net/opaprb/implementing-strategies-part-3?related=1

Verbatim: Here


Everett Rogers "Diffusion of Innovations" Speech[]


Everett Rogers "Diffusion of Innovations" Speech

A forerunner of DOI Theory, this is Everetts Rogers speech on innovation and DOI Theory. 

Posted By: Ken Schreiner May, 30 2014

External Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1uc7yZH6eU

Diffusion of Innovations[]


Diffusion of Innovation Theory

A quirky, and fun video detailing the basics of DOI Theory. If you are a novice to DOI Theory, we recommend watching this video first to get a basic understanding of Everett Rogers DOI Theory. 

Creator: Dave Mulder Feb, 6 2014

External Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OU_B-tfK0DU

Episode 154 Innovation and the S-Curve Why More Money Doesn't Always Lead to Greater Improvements[]


Episode 154 Innovation and the S-Curve Why More Money Doesn't Always Lead to Greater Improvements

A great video for the intermediate learner on DOI Theory and S-Curve Model. If you would like to understand how to create a S-Curve Model and how it impacts innovation we recommend watching this video!

Creator: Alanis Business Academy Feb 3, 2014

External Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs9_AnWrPGs

TEDxMelbourne - Roger La Salle - Matrix thinking: how to do innovation[]


TEDxMelbourne - Roger La Salle - Matrix thinking how to do innovation

A informal video from the TEDXMelbourne with Roger La Salle going over the practice of "Matrix Thinking", who has written four books on the subject.

Creator: TEDx Talks

External link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cET09XpyzEg

Finding Opinion Leaders: The Other Referral - The Selling Essentials Minute[]


Finding Opinion Leaders The Other Referral - The Selling Essentials Minute

A quick, fun video describing opinion leaders and how one retrieves referrals from them. Opinion leaders are typically higher-sect individuals who have great influence over the diffusion of innovations.

Creator: Rapid Learning Institute Sept 16, 2014

External Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDndBNHeUeA

Simon Sinek: Law of Diffusion of Innovation[]


Simon Sinek Law of Diffusion of Innovation

An interesting video from another TEDX session, presentation given by Simon Sinek over Diffusion of Innovation Law and how great leaders inspire action!

Creator: eLearner Network Oct 12, 2012

External Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zU3fIEPfctQ

Innovation Diffusion Theory[]


Innovation Diffusion Theory

Innovation Diffusion Theory explained using Apple. Inc. as an example.

Creator: Jason Lee & Ruba Shaikh, Dec 1, 2012

External link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVHu14lNiYFnvG0IAkjAiUg


The Bass Model[]


This article is a great overview of the Bass Model: history, practice, and it's implementation on innovations. 

For Further Readings: http://www.bassbasement.org/

For Further Reading on DOI Theory:[]

Kaminski, J. (Spring 2011).Diffusion of Innovation Theory Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 6(2). Theory in Nursing Informatics Column. http://cjni.net/journal/?p=1444



Related Pages[]

Dissemination of Innovation: Implementation, Best Practices and Strategies

Adoption of Innovation: Implementation, Best Practices and Strategies
